Rushton Village News
Meet Your Neighbours – 13th November 24
Come and meet your fellow Rushtonites at the Royal Oak Community Pub for an informal meet and greet over a drink or a brew. All vey welcome. Wednesday 13th November 6pm - 10pm
Rushton Oak Community Pub Ltd AGM 2023
Notice of The ROCPL AGM to be held on 27 September 6.30 at the Swythamley & Heaton Centre Please click below to access the minutes of the last AGM and ROCPL's accounts. These are password
Rushton Oak Community Pub Ltd AGM 2022
Notice of The ROCPL AGM to be held on 21 September 7.30 at the Rushton Methodist Chapel Please click below to access the minutes of the last AGM and ROCPL's accounts. These are password protected.
ROCPL Shareholder Update
Shareholder Update From The Secretary Resolution re Interest Payments Votes for the resolution 'The Society shall pay interest to shareholders for the year 2018/19 at 2% have been counted and the result is as